Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fearless Chocolate

I love chocolate. Even more, my partner loves chocolate! I think he exists on at least 25% chocolate, so we can really go through a lot of chocolate around here! When I saw this raw organic chocolate from Fearless was right around $6 a bar, I was pretty excited! Raw chocolate can be pricey and I'm not sure how this variation is so affordable, but it's very welcome! This chocolate is rich and delicious and a square or two will easily curb any cravings without having to devour the whole bar. I've tried both the Sweet & Hot (Hibiscus Ginger) flavor and also the Matcha Green Tea Peppermint bar. Both are highly recommended. I will be on the lookout for a local outlet for this brand, and so should you!


  1. I think I might have seen it at Binny's actually. I'll let you know when we get back, I'll be in there sooner or later.

  2. Weird, but awesome! They are really good!

  3. Hi! Jordan from Fearless Chocolate writing. First of all, thank you so much for the kind words! You asked how we are able to make our chocolate so affordable and I wanted to answer that. Raw cacao can be exceptionally expensive because its a niche comodity that only a few companies import and special care must be taken to ensure the raw integrity is preserved. All this can be expensive. We keep our prices lower and our integrity in tact by working directly with our farmers (specifically, we partner with a family-owned farm in Bahia, Brazil). By working directly we not only have incredible agency with our source but we can also measure our direct impact within the economy and ecosystem we support. In the Brazilian terirtory we support, our farmers are fighting a difficult battle to preserve the rainforest (where the cacao grows) from the growing cattle industry, so we feel pretty good about that too :)

    Hope this wasnt too much info ;)

  4. Hi Jordan! Thanks for all of the awesome info! Yours is a business model and a product that I am definitely happy to support and hope more people will check it out.
