Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oregano Oil

Well whew! Sorry about the recent lack of posts. Apparently, I decided to take a break coming off of VeganMoFo! At any rate, I'm back and I still like vegan things. Today's vegan thing is my ultimate winter (and all-season) don't-get-sick product: Oregano Oil. It is truly amazing. I always take this stuff during times of year when I'm more prone to sickness, and especially while traveling alongside so many people's germs, and it always does me right. I'm not generally a big advocate of supplements, etc for daily living, but this is one item that's worth the cost! It can be a little pricey, but for me the results are well worth it. I take about 5 drops a day during normal times and maybe 5 2x/day when I feel like I'm fighting off sickness. The oil itself burns, so I always put a little water in my mouth before dropping it in (you can also go a classier route and put your water and oil in a glass and drinking it). My boyfriend is more hardcore and puts the drops right under his tongue. I've also been told that you can get oregano oil capsules, but I can't vouch for their vegan-ness. At any rate, Oregano Oil is where it's at for avoiding sickness!

(The oil pictured here is Oreganol brand, which I love, but I've tried other brands as well with the same great results!)

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